
Stimulating the mind and body, the healing properties of hydrotherapy can help you manage pain while reducing stress.


To ensure your safety and wellbeing please ensure you take your medical clearance form to your GP for completion prior to signing up for our hydrotherapy sessions. This consent form is attached to the Hydrotherapy Information Packet provided to potential participants. This form can be returned in person to our reception staff or faxed to our office on (07) 4942 8415.

Existing participants (those who have attended these sessions in the past year) are able to resume their established programs if no new medical issues have arisen in the last 6 months.

New participants or those requiring new/updated programs, will be required to have an assessment with our Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist.


Mon/Wed/Fri 08.30-09.30.

Consistent attendance is required to gain maximum benefit from this type of therapy. If you miss 3 consecutive sessions without prior notification, your day and time of hydrotherapy cannot be guaranteed.

To confirm session times or if you are unable to attend your hydrotherapy session please call us on (07) 4942 3848 to cancel your session. Each session has limited participants and advanced notice will allow us to offer your spot to someone else.

Benefits of Hydrotherapy

Integrating body awareness, breathing, mindfulness, and movement; Hydrotherapy has been proven to have many health benefits.

  • Enables greater movement due to buoyancy the water provides
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Increases muscle strength due to water resistance
  • Improves balance
  • Reduces swelling
  • Reduces pain due to the warmth and buoyancy


It is very important that you instruct your family and visitors that they are not permitted in the hydrotherapy pool areas unless they have staff permission. This service is offered under a strict COVID safe plan and participant numbers are limited and social distancing must be maintained.

Water temperature

Water is always kept between 32 and 34 degrees. Always bring a bottle of water to the pool with you (it is very important to stay hydrated).

Important points to remember

1. Pool Environment

People exercising and working in a hot environment need to drink adequate amounts of water.You can become dehydrated in regular pools if the water and environmental temperatures are warm enough.So, the risk is higher in a hydrotherapy pool where water is kept between 32 – 34 degrees. The surfaces around pools and change rooms can be slippery so please exercise extreme caution when getting in and out of the pool and changing in the change rooms.

2. Age

The young and elderly can be most at risk of dehydration during exercise and falls. Please adhere to hydration recommendations and be cautious when mobilizing around the pool area.

3. Hydration recommendations

In a normal day a person has to drink a significant amount of water to replace routine loss. The formula for daily fluid requirements depends upon an individual’s weight, but on average one should drink at least 8 glasses of fluids per day.

4. Check with your doctor

What fluids are suitable for you, especially if you are a diabetic or on fluid restrictions and if any medications you are taking prevent you from participating in this type of therapy.

5. Pool closure

At times the pool may need to be closed due to water conditions or outside air temperature. You will be advised should this action be necessary.

6. Hydrotherapy sessions

Depending on your exercise program, a hydrotherapy session will be 30-45 minutes. Please arrive promptly to ensure you can complete your program in the designated time. Numbers are strictly limited to ensure social distancing can be maintained.

7. What to bring

You will need swimwear, no slip shoes, a towel, bottle of water, reading glasses (if needed) and a change of clothes. During some of the exercises you may get your hair wet, so some patients may like to bring a swim cap.

8. Cost

Initial $90 EP/Physio (claimable on health fund. $35 per session or 10-class pass for $120.00. Please see reception to pay this fee prior to your session.

Conditions of entry

You have following the precautions and contraindications are outlined upon screening Sign in on the pool register prior to pool entry Pay pool entry fee prior to pool entry Ensure your skin is free of lotions and creams (maybe require showering before entry) You are independent with dressing/changing poolside (no staff assistance is provided for this program) Able to complete your hydrotherapy program independently